Healing Joint Injuries Naturally…How to Heal a Torn Ligament

fuelnutrition blog

First I suppose I should explain why I am writing about this topic.  It just so happens that I was forced to learn more about natural remedies to use when dealing with a injured knee due to personal experience.  I had recently been incorporating more walking and some running into my routine to recover my body from recent physical and mental stress.  All the pieces of the puzzle were in place, great new shoes (which you will see in the pictures below) to accommodate my fallen arches and over-pronation and a routine that was just intense enough to get my physical body back into shape after some health challenges while giving me some much needed mental focus and relaxation.  All that being said this was still a strain on my body and I could feel some tension in the medial (inside of the leg) ligaments in both my ankles and…

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